List of Grey's Anatomy episodes (seasons 1-5).
Grey's Anatomy - Episoden der 1. Staffel 9 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2005 ]
001 #1.01 Nur 48 Stunden [A Hard Day's Night ]2006 [2005 ]
002 #1.02 Grenzen [The First Cut Is the Deepest ]2006 [2005 ]
003 #1.03 Überleben ist alles [Winning a Battle, Losing the War ]2006 [2005 ]
004 #1.04 Niemandsland [No Man's Land ]2006 [2005 ]
005 #1.05 Die Last der Verantwortung [Shake Your Groove Thing ]2006 [2005 ]
006 #1.06 Der Morgen danach [If Tomorrow Never Comes ]2006 [2005 ]
007 #1.07 Der Selbstzerstörungsknopf [The Self Destruct Button ]2006 [2005 ]
008 #1.08 Glaubensfragen [Save Me ]2006 [2005 ]
009 #1.09 Geheimnisse [Who's Zoomin' Who? ]2006 [2005 ]
Grey's Anatomy - Episoden der 2. Staffel 27 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2005..2006 ]
010 #2.01 Ein sauberer Schnitt [Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head ]2006 [2005 ]
011 #2.02 Genug ist genug [Enough Is Enough (No More Tears) ]2006 [2005 ]
012 #2.03 Gebrochene Herzen [Make Me Lose Control ]2006 [2005 ]
013 #2.04 Selbstverleugnung [Deny, Deny, Deny ]2006 [2005 ]
014 #2.05 Der Schmerz [Bring The Pain ]2006 [2005 ]
015 #2.06 Zugunglück [Into You Like A Train ]2006 [2005 ]
016 #2.07 Gerede [Something to Talk About ]2006 [2005 ]
017 #2.08 Romeo und Julia [Let It Be ]2006 [2005 ]
018 #2.09 Dankbarkeit [Thanks for the Memories ]2006 [2005 ]
019 #2.10 Fünflinge [Much Too Much ]2006 [2005 ]
020 #2.11 Einsamkeit [Owner of a Lonely Heart ]2006 [2005 ]
021 #2.12 Körper und Geist [Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer ]2006 [2005 ]
022 #2.13 Ein neuer Anfang [Begin the Begin ]2006 [2006 ]
023 #2.14 Lügen [Tell Me Sweet Little Lies ]2006 [2006 ]
024 #2.15 Streik [Break on Through ]2006 [2006 ]
025 #2.16 Code Black [It's the End of the World (1) ]2006 [2006 ]
026 #2.17 Der letzte Tag [(As We Know It) (2) ]2006 [2006 ]
027 #2.18 Monster [Yesterday ]2006 [2006 ]
028 #2.19 Karma [What Have I Done To Deserve This? ]2006 [2006 ]
029 #2.20 Ein Pflaster für jede Wunde [Band Aid Covers the Bullet Hole ]2006 [2006 ]
030 #2.21 Aberglaube [Superstition ]2006 [2006 ]
031 #2.22 Spielregeln [The Name of the Game ]2006 [2006 ]
032 #2.23 Opferbereitschaft [Blues for Sister Someone ]2006 [2006 ]
033 #2.24 Totalschaden [Damage Case ]2006 [2006 ]
034 #2.25 17 Sekunden [17 Seconds ]2006 [2006 ]
035 #2.26 Kampf oder Flucht [Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response ]2006 [2006 ]
036 #2.27 Der Tod und das Mädchen [Losing My Religion ]2006 [2006 ]
Grey's Anatomy - Episoden der 3. Staffel 25 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2006..2007 ]
037 #3.01 Alle Zeit der Welt [Time Has Come Today ]2007 [2006 ]
038 #3.02 Genug Muffins [I Am a Tree ]2007 [2006 ]
039 #3.03 Fantasie [Sometimes a Fantasy ]2007 [2006 ]
040 #3.04 Man ist, was man ist [What I Am ]2007 [2006 ]
041 #3.05 Schuldgefühle [Oh, The Guilt ]2007 [2006 ]
042 #3.06 Von Schweinen und Hühnern [Let The Angels Commit ]2007 [2006 ]
043 #3.07 Unter Männern [Where the Boys Are ]2007 [2006 ]
044 #3.08 Der blinde Fleck [Staring at the Sun ]2007 [2006 ]
045 #3.09 Verrat [From A Whisper to a Scream ]2007 [2006 ]
046 #3.10 Die richtige Distanz [Don't Stand So Close to Me ]2007 [2006 ]
047 #3.11 Das Vater Syndrom [Six Days (1) ]2007 [2007 ]
048 #3.12 Die große Stille [Six Days (2) ]2007 [2007 ]
049 #3.13 Hohe Erwartungen [Great Expectations ]2007 [2007 ]
050 #3.14 Toxisch [Wishin' and Hopin' ]2007 [2007 ]
051 #3.15 Katastrophenalarm [Walk On Water ]2007 [2007 ]
052 #3.16 Verschwunden [Drowning on Dry Land ]2007 [2007 ]
053 #3.17 Tot [Some Kind of Miracle ]2007 [2007 ]
054 #3.18 Alte Wunden [Scars and Souvenirs ]2007 [2007 ]
055 #3.19 Alles nach Plan [My Favorite Mistake ]2007 [2007 ]
056 #3.20 Von der Vergangenheit eingeholt [Time After Time ]2007 [2007 ]
057 #3.21 Verlangen [Desire ]2007 [2007 ]
058 #3.22 Die andere Seite des Lebens (1) [The Other Side of This Life (1) ]2007 [2007 ]
059 #3.23 Die andere Seite des Lebens (2) [The Other Side of This Life (2) ]2007 [2007 ]
060 #3.24 Der Test [Testing 1-2-3 ]2007 [2007 ]
061 #3.25 Fast am Ziel [Didn't We Almost Have It All? ]2007 [2007 ]
Grey's Anatomy - Episoden der 4. Staffel 17 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2007..2008 ]
062 #4.01 Bambi [A Change is Gonna Come ]2008 [2007 ]
063 #4.02 Abhängig [Love/Addiction ]2008 [2007 ]
064 #4.03 Die Wahrheit tut weh [Let The Truth Sting ]2008 [2007 ]
065 #4.04 High Noon [The Heart of the Matter ]2008 [2007 ]
066 #4.05 Asche zu Asche [Haunt You Everyday ]2008 [2007 ]
067 #4.06 Hardcore [Kung Fu Fighting ]2008 [2007 ]
068 #4.07 Die richtige Chemie [Physical Attraction ... Chemical Reaction ]2008 [2007 ]
069 #4.08 Ewige Jugend [Forever Young ]2008 [2007 ]
070 #4.09 Ein schwarzer Tag [Crash Into Me (1) ]2008 [2007 ]
071 #4.10 Lebensretter [Crash Into Me (2) ]2008 [2007 ]
072 #4.11 Die Heilerin [Lay Your Hands on Me ]2008 [2008 ]
073 #4.12 Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen [Where The Wild Things Are ]2008 [2008 ]
074 #4.13 Ein Teil meines Herzens [Piece of My Heart ]2008 [2008 ]
075 #4.14 Lernprozesse [The Becoming ]2008 [2008 ]
076 #4.15 Das neue Kapitel [Losing My Mind ]2008 [2008 ]
077 #4.16 Freiheit (1) [Freedom (1) ]2008 [2008 ]
078 #4.17 Freiheit (2) [Freedom (2) ]2008 [2008 ]
Grey's Anatomy - Episoden der 5. Staffel 24 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2008..2009 ]
079 #5.01 Es war einmal (1) [Dream a Little Dream of Me ]2009 [2008 ]
080 #5.02 Es war einmal (2) [Dream A Little Dream Of Me (2) ]2009 [2008 ]
081 #5.03 Die Flut [Here Comes The Flood ]2009 [2008 ]
082 #5.04 Schöne neue Welt [Brave New World ]2009 [2008 ]
083 #5.05 Domino-Effekt [There's No 'I' In Team ]2009 [2008 ]
084 #5.06 Krieg und Frieden [Life During Wartime ]2009 [2008 ]
085 #5.07 Die Erscheinung [Rise Up ]2009 [2008 ]
086 #5.08 Geister [These Ties That Bind ]2009 [2008 ]
087 #5.09 Schlaflos [In the Midnight Hour ]2009 [2008 ]
088 #5.10 Soloflug [All By Myself ]2009 [2008 ]
089 #5.11 Wünsch dir was [Wish You Were Here ]2009 [2009 ]
090 #5.12 Pakt mit dem Teufel [Sympathy For The Devil ]2009 [2009 ]
091 #5.13 Zwischen Himmel und Hölle [Stairway to Heaven ]2009 [2009 ]
092 #5.14 Herzrasen [Beat Your Heart Out ]2009 [2009 ]
093 #5.15 Davor und danach [Before and After ]2009 [2009 ]
094 #5.16 Götter in Weiß [An Honest Mistake ]2009 [2009 ]
095 #5.17 Patientin X [I Will Follow You Into The Dark ]2009 [2009 ]
096 #5.18 Der Mann im Wald [Stand By Me ]2009 [2009 ]
097 #5.19 Liebesbrief im Aufzug [Elevator Love Letter ]2009 [2009 ]
098 #5.20 Die Hochzeitsplanerin [Sweet Surrender ]2009 [2009 ]
099 #5.21 Nur drei Worte [No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance) ]2009 [2009 ]
100 #5.22 Der schönste Tag im Leben [What a Difference a Day Makes ]2009 [2009 ]
101 #5.23 Auf die Zukunft [Here's To The Future (1) ]2009 [2009 ]
102 #5.24 Jetzt oder nie [Now or Never (2) ]2009 [2009 ]
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