List of Lost episodes (seasons 5 & 6) and soundtrack.

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Infos | Drucker | CD | DVDs | Staffel: [1-4] [5][6]

Lost - Episoden der 5. Staffel

17 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2009]
087#5.01Weil du gegangen bist [Because You Left]2009 [2009]
088#5.02Die Lüge [The Lie]2009 [2009]
089#5.03Die Bombe [Jughead]2009 [2009]
090#5.04Der kleine Prinz [The Little Prince]2009 [2009]
091#5.05Dieser Ort ist der Tod [This Place Is Death]2009 [2009]
092#5.06316 [316]2009 [2009]
093#5.07Leben und Tod des Jeremy Bentham [The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham]2009 [2009]
094#5.08Lafleur [LaFleur]2009 [2009]
095#5.09Namaste [Namaste]2009 [2009]
096#5.10Deswegen bin ich hier [He's Our You]2009 [2009]
097#5.11Zurück in die Zukunft [Whatever Happened, Happened]2009 [2009]
098#5.12Tot ist tot [Dead is Dead]2009 [2009]
099#5.13Das Imperium schlägt zurück [Some Like It Hoth]2009 [2009]
100#5.14Die Variable [The Variable]2009 [2009]
101#5.15Der Anführer [Follow the Leader]2009 [2009]
102#5.16Der Vorfall, Teil 1 [The Incident (1)]2009 [2009]
103#5.17Der Vorfall, Teil 2 [The Incident (2)]2009 [2009]

Lost - Episoden der 6. Staffel

18 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2010]
104#6.01Los Angeles (1) [LA X (1)]2010 [2010]
105#6.02Los Angeles (2) [LA X (2)]2010 [2010]
106#6.03Taxi in die Freiheit [What Kate Does]2010 [2010]
107#6.04Der Stellvertreter [The Substitute]2010 [2010]
108#6.05Der Leuchtturm [Lighthouse]2010 [2010]
109#6.06Bei Sonnenuntergang [Sundown]2010 [2010]
110#6.07Dr. Linus [Dr. Linus]2010 [2010]
111#6.08Kundschafter [Recon]2010 [2010]
112#6.09Seit Anbeginn der Zeit [Ab Aeterno]2010 [2010]
113#6.10Die Fracht [The Package]2010 [2010]
114#6.11Bis ans Ende ihrer Tage [Happily Ever After]2010 [2010]
115#6.12Alle lieben Hugo [Everybody Loves Hugo]2010 [2010]
116#6.13Der letzte Rekrut [The Last Recruit]2010 [2010]
117#6.14Der Kandidat [The Candidate]2010 [2010]
118#6.15Über das Meer [Across the Sea]2010 [2010]
119#6.16Wofür sie gestorben sind [What They Died For]2010 [2010]
120#6.17Das Ende (1) [The End (1)]2010 [2010]
121#6.18Das Ende (2) [The End (2)]2010 [2010]

Alle DVD-Boxen/Blu-rays zur TV-Serie


Soundtrack CDs/MP3s zur TV-Serie


Original Television Soundtrack
Music composed by Michael Giacchino
  1. Main Title
  2. The Eyeland
  3. Worlds Worst Beach Party
  4. Credit Where Credit Is Due
  5. Run Like, Um... Hell?
  6. Hollywood and Vines
  7. Just Die Already
  8. Me And My Big Mouth
  9. Crocodile Locke
  10. Win One for the Reaper
  11. Departing Sun
  12. Charlie Hangs Around
  13. Navel Gazing
  14. Proper Motivation
  1. Run Away! Run Away!
  2. Were Friends
  3. Getting Ethan
  4. Thinking Clairely
  5. Locked Out Again
  6. Life and Death
  7. Booneral
  8. Shannonigans
  9. Kates Motel
  10. Ive Got A Plane To Catch
  11. Monsters Are Such Innnteresting People
  12. Parting Words
  13. Oceanic 815

Original Television Soundtrack
Music composed by Michael Giacchino
  1. Main Title
  2. Peace Through Superior Firepower
  3. The Final Countdown
  4. World's Worst Landscaping
  5. Mess It All Up Michael Giacchino
  6. Hurley's Handouts
  7. Just Another Day On The Beach
  8. Ana Cries
  9. The Tribes Merge
  10. The Gathering
  11. Shannon's Funeral
  12. All's Forgiven Except Charlie
  13. Charlie's Dream
  1. Charlie's Temptation
  2. A New Trade
  3. Mapquest
  4. Claire's Escape
  5. The Last To Know
  6. Rose And Bernard
  7. Toxic Avenger
  8. I Crashed Your Plane, Brotha
  9. Eko Blaster
  10. The Hunt
  11. McGales's Navy
  12. Bon Voyage, Traitor
  13. End Title

Original Television Soundtrack
Music composed by Michael Giacchino

Disk 1:
  1. In With A Kaboom!
  2. Lost - Main Tile
  3. Awed And Shocked
  4. Fool Me Twice
  5. Pagoda Of Shame
  6. The Island
  7. Eko Of The Past
  8. Church Of Eko's
  9. Leggo My Eko
  10. Romancing The Cage
  11. Under The Knife
  12. Teaser Time
  13. Here Today, Gone To Maui
  14. Distraught Desmond
  15. Achara, Glad To See Me?
  16. Ocean's Apart
  17. The Lone Hugo
  18. Fetch Your Arm
  19. Ain't Talking 'Bout Nothin'
  20. Shambala
  21. Claire-a Culpy
  22. A Touching Moment
  23. Sweet Expose
  24. Storming Monster
  25. Heart Of Thawyer
  26. Juliette Is Lost
  27. Beach Blanket Bonding
  28. Rushin' The Russian
  29. Deadly Fertility
  30. Dharmacide
Disk 2:
  1. Paddle Jumper
  2. She's Dynamite
  3. The Good, The Bad And The Ominous
  4. Charlie's Fate
  5. Paddle Jumper Reprise
  6. Ta-Ta Charlie
  7. Heirloom Holiday
  8. Greatest Hits
  9. Flying High
  10. The Good Shepherd
  11. Manifesting Destiny
  12. The Looking Glass Ceiling
  13. Ex Marks The Jack
  14. Jintimidating Bernard
  15. Benomination Of The Temple
  16. An Other Dark Agenda
  17. Kate Makes A Splash
  18. Diving Desmond
  19. Weapon Of Mass Distraction
  20. The Fallen Hero
  21. Sticking To Their Guns
  22. Torture Me Not
  23. Through The Looke-ing Glass
  24. The Only Pebble In The Jungle
  25. Early Mourning Mystery
  26. Patchy At Best
  27. All Jack'ed Up
  28. Hold The Phone
  29. Code Of Conduct
  30. Act Now, Regret Later
  31. Just What The Doctor Ordered
  32. Hurley's Helping Hand
  33. Looking Glass Half Full
  34. Jack Fm
  35. Naomi Phone Home
  36. Flash Forward Flashback (Edit)
  37. Lost - End Titles

Original Television Soundtrack
Music composed by Michael Giacchino

  1. Giving Up The Ghost
  2. Locke'ing Horns
  3. Lost Away - Or Is It?
  4. Backgammon Gambit
  5. Time And Time Again
  6. The Constant
  7. Maternity Hell
  8. Karma Jin-itiative
  9. Ji Yeon
  10. Michael's Right To Remain Wrong
  11. Bodies And Bungalows
  12. Benundrum
  13. Hostile Negotiations
  1. Locke-about
  2. There's No Place Like Home
  3. Nadia On Your Life
  4. C4-titude
  5. Of Mice And Ben
  6. Keamy Away From Him
  7. Timecrunch
  8. Can't Kill Keamy
  9. Bobbing For Freighters
  10. Locke Of The Island
  11. Lying For The Island
  12. Landing Party
  13. Hoffs-Drawlar

Original Television Soundtrack
Music composed by Michael Giacchino

  1. Making Up For Lost Time
  2. The Swinging Bendulum
  3. Locke's Excellent Adventure
  4. The Science Of Faith
  5. More Locke Than Locke
  6. Together Or Not Together
  7. Through The Window
  8. Dharma Delinquent
  9. La Fleur
  10. Crash And Yearn
  11. Your Kharma Hit My Dharma
  12. Alex In Chains
  1. I Hear Dead People
  2. For Love Of The Dame
  3. Follow The Leader
  4. Sawyer Jones And The Temple Of Boom
  5. The Tangled Web
  6. Dharma Disaster
  7. Blessings And Bombs
  8. Jack's Swan Song
  9. Dharma Vs. Lostaways
  10. The Incident
  11. Jacob's Stabber

Original Television Soundtrack
Music composed by Michael Giacchino

Disk 1:
  1. A Sunken Feeling
  2. Heavy Metal Crew
  3. Doing Jacob s Work
  4. Smokey And The Bandits
  5. LAX
  6. Temple And Spring
  7. Locke At It This Way
  8. Richard The Floored
  9. Coffin Calamity
  10. Lie Thou There
  11. Trouble Is My First Name
  12. Death Springs Eternal
  13. The Rockets Red Glare
  14. Temple And Taxi
  15. My Orca
  16. Helen Of Joy
  17. Jacob's Ladders
  18. The Substitute
  19. Peculiar Parenting
  20. Door Jammer
  21. The Lighthouse
  22. Sundown
  23. Catch A Falling Star
  24. Linus and Alpertinent
  25. Karma Has No Price
Disk 2:
  1. Recon
  2. Crazy Town
  3. None The Richard
  4. Love In A Time Of Pneumonia
  5. The Fall Of Man
  6. Dead Man Talking
  7. Jacob s Advocate
  8. Standing Offer
  9. And Death Shall Have No Dominion
  10. Sayid After Dentist
  11. Shepharding Sun
  12. Tesla Tester
  13. George Of The Concrete Jungle
  14. World s Worst Car Wash
  15. None The Nurse
  16. Happily Ever After
  17. Hugo Reyes Of Light
  18. Passing The Torch
  19. A Memorable Kiss
  20. The Last Recruit
  21. Kool-Aid Claire
  22. The Sub Group
  23. Sunny Outlook
  24. Reunion And Reneging
  25. The Hole Shabang
  26. Moving On
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[ Infos | CD/MP3 Soundtrack | Druck Druckliste | Season: [1-4] [5][6] | DVDs ]