List of Robin Hood (2006) episodes (seasons 1-3).
Robin Hood - Episoden der 1. Staffel 13 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2006 ]
001 #1.01 Lassen wir uns das gefallen? [Will You Tolerate This? ]2012 [2006 ]
002 #1.02 Hüte deine Zunge! [Sheriff Got Your Tongue? ]2012 [2006 ]
003 #1.03 Der Nachtwächter [Who Shot the Sheriff? ]2012 [2006 ]
004 #1.04 Elternzeit [Parent Hood ]2012 [2006 ]
005 #1.05 Kein Rest vom Schützenfest [Turk 'Flu (US-Titel: The Arrow and the Optic) ]2012 [2006 ]
006 #1.06 Der Steuerinspektor kömmt! [The Tax Man Cometh ]2012 [2006 ]
007 #1.07 ... [Brothers in Arms ] [2006 ]
008 #1.08 ... [Tattoo? What Tattoo? (US-Titel: The Assassin) ] [2006 ]
009 #1.09 ... [A Thing Or Two About Loyalty ] [2006 ]
010 #1.10 ... [Peace? Off! ] [2006 ]
011 #1.11 ... [Dead Man Walking ] [2006 ]
012 #1.12 ... [The Return Of The King (1) ] [2006 ]
013 #1.13 ... [A Clue: No (2) ] [2006 ]
Robin Hood - Episoden der 2. Staffel 13 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2007 ]
014 #2.01 ... [Sisterhood ] [2007 ]
015 #2.02 ... [Booby and the Beast ] [2007 ]
016 #2.03 ... [Childhood ] [2007 ]
017 #2.04 ... [The Angel of Death ] [2007 ]
018 #2.05 ... [Ducking and Diving ] [2007 ]
019 #2.06 ... [For England...! ] [2007 ]
020 #2.07 ... [Show Me The Money ] [2007 ]
021 #2.08 ... [Get Carter! ] [2007 ]
022 #2.09 ... [Lardner's Ring ] [2007 ]
023 #2.10 ... [Walkabout ] [2007 ]
024 #2.11 ... [Treasure of the Nation ] [2007 ]
025 #2.12 ... [A Good Day To Die (1) ] [2007 ]
026 #2.13 ... [A Good Day To Die (2) aka We Are Robin Hood! ] [2007 ]
Robin Hood - Episoden der 3. Staffel 13 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2009 ]
027 #3.01 ... [Total Eclipse ] [2009 ]
028 #3.02 ... [Cause and Effect ] [2009 ]
029 #3.03 ... [Lost in Translation ] [2009 ]
030 #3.04 ... [Sins of the Father ] [2009 ]
031 #3.05 ... [Let The Games Commence ] [2009 ]
032 #3.06 ... [Do You Love Me? ] [2009 ]
033 #3.07 ... [Too Hot to Handle ] [2009 ]
034 #3.08 ... [The King is Dead, Long Live the King ] [2009 ]
035 #3.09 ... [A Dangerous Deal ] [2009 ]
036 #3.10 ... [Bad Blood ] [2009 ]
037 #3.11 ... [The Enemy of My Enemy ] [2009 ]
038 #3.12 ... [Something Worth Fighting For (1) ] [2009 ]
039 #3.13 ... [Something Worth Fighting For (2) ] [2009 ]
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