List of 'Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles' episodes (seasons 1 & 2).
Terminator: S.C.C. - Episoden der 1. Staffel 9 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2008 ]
001 #1.01 Die Gejagten [Pilot ]2008 [2008 ]
002 #1.02 Der Verräter [Gnothi Seauton ]2008 [2008 ]
003 #1.03 Der Türke [The Turk ]2008 [2008 ]
004 #1.04 Der Golem [Heavy Metal ]2008 [2008 ]
005 #1.05 Das Schachspiel [Queen's Gambit ]2008 [2008 ]
006 #1.06 Von Maschinen und Menschen [Dungeons & Dragons ]2008 [2008 ]
007 #1.07 Die Hand Gottes [The Demon Hand ]2008 [2008 ]
008 #1.08 Vicks Chip [Vick's Chip (1) ]2008 [2008 ]
009 #1.09 Der Todesbote [What He Beheld (2) ]2008 [2008 ]
Terminator: S.C.C. - Episoden der 2. Staffel 22 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2008..2009 ]
010 #2.01 Samson & Delilah [Samson & Delilah ]2009 [2008 ]
011 #2.02 Der Ingenieur [Automatic for the People ]2009 [2008 ]
012 #2.03 Mausefalle [The Mousetrap ]2009 [2008 ]
013 #2.04 Blackout [Allison From Palmdale ]2009 [2008 ]
014 #2.05 Martin Bedell [Goodbye To All That ]2009 [2008 ]
015 #2.06 Familientherapie [The Tower is Tall But the Fall is Short ]2009 [2008 ]
016 #2.07 Die Brüder von Nablus [Brothers of Nablus ]2009 [2008 ]
017 #2.08 Showdown [Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today ]2009 [2008 ]
018 #2.09 Der Uhrmacher [Complications ]2009 [2008 ]
019 #2.10 Die zehn Gebote [Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point ]2009 [2008 ]
020 #2.11 Self Made Man [Self Made Man ]2009 [2008 ]
021 #2.12 Sydney [Alpine Fields ]2009 [2008 ]
022 #2.13 Die Abraham-Blogs [Earthlings Welcome Here ]2009 [2008 ]
023 #2.14 Die Wunde [The Good Wound ]2009 [2009 ]
024 #2.15 Wüstengesänge [Desert Cantos ]2009 [2009 ]
025 #2.16 Geisterstunde [Some Must Watch, While Some Must Sleep ]2009 [2009 ]
026 #2.17 Jeder für sich [Ourselves Alone ]2009 [2009 ]
027 #2.18 Heute ist der Tag (1) [Today is the Day (1) ]2009 [2009 ]
028 #2.19 Heute ist der Tag (2) [Last Voyage of the Jimmy Carter (2) ]2009 [2009 ]
029 #2.20 Der Leuchtturm [To the Lighthouse ]2009 [2009 ]
030 #2.21 Kain und Abel [Adam Raised a Cain ]2009 [2009 ]
031 #2.22 Flucht nach vorn [Born to Run ]2009 [2009 ]
Soundtrack-CD zur Serie
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Original Television Soundtrack (music by Bear McCreary)
Samson and Delilah from 'Samson & Delilah' [performed by Shirley Manson]
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Opening Title)
Sarah Connor's Theme from 'Pilot'
Cromartie In The Hospital from 'The Turk'
Andy Goode's Turk from 'Queen's Gambit'
Central America from 'Queen's Gambit'
John and Riley from 'Automatic for the People'
Derek Reese from 'Queen's Gambit' and 'The Demon Hand'
Ain't We Famous from 'Automatic for the People' [perf. by BrEndAn's Band]
Motorcycle Robot Chase from 'Gnothi Seuton' [featuring Captain Ahab]
The Hand of God from 'The Demon Hand'
Prisoners of War from 'Dungeons & Dragons'
Miles Dyson's Grave from 'The Turk'
Atomic Al's Merry Melody from 'Automatic for the People'
The Reese Boys from 'What He Beheld'
Removing Cameron's Chip from 'Vick's Chip'
Ellison Spared from 'What He Beheld'
I Love You from 'Samson & Delilah'
Catherine Weaver from 'Samson & Delilah'
Derek's Mission from 'Dungeons & Dragons'
There's a Storm Coming from 'Dungeons & Dragons'
Highway Battle from 'Queen's Gambit'
Perfect Creatures from 'The Demon Hand'
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (End Credits)
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