List of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda episodes (season 5).
Andromeda - Episoden der 1. Staffel22 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2000..2001]
001 | #1.01 | Die Lange Nacht [Pilotfilm (1)] [Under the Night (1)] | 2001 [2000] |
002 | #1.02 | Fiat Lux [Pilotfilm (2)] [An Affirming Flame (2)] | 2001 [2000] |
003 | #1.03 | Die Erleuchtung [To Loose the Fateful Lightning] | 2001 [2000] |
004 | #1.04 | D Minus Zero [D Minus Zero] | 2001 [2000] |
005 | #1.05 | Doppel Helix [Double Helix] | 2001 [2000] |
006 | #1.06 | Die große Schlacht [Angel Dark, Demon Bright] | 2001 [2000] |
007 | #1.07 | Philosophie des Todes [The Ties That Blind] | 2001 [2000] |
008 | #1.08 | Reise in die Vergangenheit [The Banks of the Lethe] | 2001 [2000] |
009 | #1.09 | Planet der Verdammten [A Rose in the Ashes] | 2001 [2000] |
010 | #1.10 | Tödliches Gipfeltreffen [All Great Neptune's Ocean] | 2001 [2001] |
011 | #1.11 | Durchs Auge mitten ins Herz [The Pearls That Were His Eyes] | 2001 [2001] |
012 | #1.12 | Pax Magellanic [The Mathematics of Tears] | 2001 [2001] |
013 | #1.13 | Der heilige Gral [Music of a Distant Drum] | 2001 [2001] |
014 | #1.14 | Genie an Bord [Harper 2.0] | 2001 [2001] |
015 | #1.15 | Erzwungene Einsichten [Forced Perspective] | 2001 [2001] |
016 | #1.16 | Die Summe aller Teile [The Sum of Its Parts] | 2001 [2001] |
017 | #1.17 | Das Tagebuch des Hasturi [Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way] | 2001 [2001] |
018 | #1.18 | Die Schlange im Paradies [The Devil Take the Hindmost] | 2001 [2001] |
019 | #1.19 | Eine Frage der Ehre [The Honey Offering] | 2002 [2001] |
020 | #1.20 | Erzengel Gabriel [Star-Crossed] | 2002 [2001] |
021 | #1.21 | Die Odysee [It Makes a Lovely Light] | 2002 [2001] |
022 | #1.22 | Feinde an Bord [... Its Hour Come Round at Last (1)] | 2002 [2001] |
Andromeda - Episoden der 2. Staffel22 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2001..2002]
023 | #2.01 | Der Geist des Abyss [The Widening Gyre (2)] | 2002 [2001] |
024 | #2.02 | Auf verlorenem Posten [Exit Strategies] | 2002 [2001] |
025 | #2.03 | Das falsche Herz [A Heart for Falsehood Framed] | 2002 [2001] |
026 | #2.04 | Der Informant [Pitiless as the Sun] | 2002 [2001] |
027 | #2.05 | Zapfenstreich [Last Call at the Broken Hammer] | 2002 [2001] |
028 | #2.06 | Planet Mobius [All Too Human] | 2002 [2001] |
029 | #2.07 | Angriff der Nietzscheaner [Una Salus Victus] | 2002 [2001] |
030 | #2.08 | Heimatgefühle [Home Fires] | 2002 [2001] |
031 | #2.09 | Das Labyrinth [Into the Labyrinth] | 2002 [2001] |
032 | #2.10 | Königliche Hoheit [The Prince] | 2002 [2002] |
033 | #2.11 | Aufstand der Sklaven [Bunker Hill] | 2002 [2002] |
034 | #2.12 | Alte Sünden [Ouroboros] | 2002 [2002] |
035 | #2.13 | Lava und Raketen [Lava and Rockets] | 2002 [2002] |
036 | #2.14 | Alte Sünden [Be All My Sins Remembered] | 2002 [2002] |
037 | #2.15 | Eintagsfliegen [Dance of the flies] | 2002 [2002] |
038 | #2.16 | Im Himmel [In Heaven Now Are Three] | 2002 [2002] |
039 | #2.17 | Flucht aus dem Paradies [The Things We Cannot Change] | 2002 [2002] |
040 | #2.18 | Heimweh [The Fair Unknown] | 2002 [2002] |
041 | #2.19 | Im Bauch der Bestie [Belly of the Beast] | 2002 [2002] |
042 | #2.20 | Ritter, Tod und Teufel [The Knight, Death, and the Devil] | 2002 [2002] |
043 | #2.21 | Der Messias [Immaculate Perception] | 2002 [2002] |
044 | #2.22 | Der Tunnel am Ende des Lichts [Tunnel at the End of the Light (1)] | 2003 [2002] |
Andromeda - Episoden der 3. Staffel22 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2002..2003]
045 | #3.01 | Tunnel des Bösen [If the Wheel Is Fixed (2)] | 2003 [2002] |
046 | #3.02 | Scherben bringen Glück [The Shards of Rimni] | 2003 [2002] |
047 | #3.03 | Die Undankbaren [Mad to Be Saved] | 2003 [2002] |
048 | #3.04 | Der ungebetene Gast [Cui Bono] | 2003 [2002] |
049 | #3.05 | An fernen Ufern [The Lone and Level Sands] | 2003 [2002] |
050 | #3.06 | Windhunde des Krieges [Slipfighter the Dogs of War] | 2003 [2002] |
051 | #3.07 | Der Aussätzige [The Leper's Kiss] | 2003 [2002] |
052 | #3.08 | Blinde Passagiere [For Whom the Bell Tolls] | 2003 [2002] |
053 | #3.09 | Die Macht der Liebe [And Your Heart Will Fly Away] | 2003 [2002] |
054 | #3.10 | Der Unbezwingbare [The Unconquerable Man] | 2003 [2003] |
055 | #3.11 | Die andere Seite des Tunnels [Delenda Est] | 2003 [2003] |
056 | #3.12 | Rückwärts in die Dunkelheit [The Dark Backward] | 2003 [2003] |
057 | #3.13 | Volles Risiko [The Risk-All Point] | 2003 [2003] |
058 | #3.14 | Die Wahrheitsliebenden [The Right Horse] | 2003 [2003] |
059 | #3.15 | Die Metamorphose [What Happens to a Rev Deferred?] | 2003 [2003] |
060 | #3.16 | Die Spitze des Speers [Point of the Spear] | 2003 [2003] |
061 | #3.17 | Das Dach des Himmels [Vault of the Heavens] | 2003 [2003] |
062 | #3.18 | Die Stimme der tiefen Nacht [Deep Midnight's Voice] | 2003 [2003] |
063 | #3.19 | Die Hochstaplerin [The Illusion of Majesty] | 2003 [2003] |
064 | #3.20 | Der Patriarch [Twilight of the Idols] | 2003 [2003] |
065 | #3.21 | Der Verräter [Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath] | 2003 [2003] |
066 | #3.22 | Dragonischer Wein [Shadows Cast by a Final Salute (1)] | 2003 [2003] |
Andromeda - Episoden der 4. Staffel22 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2003..2004]
067 | #4.01 | Abgrund zur Hölle [Answers Given to Questions Never Asked (2)] | 2006 [2003] |
068 | #4.02 | Der Seher [Pieces of Eight] | 2006 [2003] |
069 | #4.03 | Friedhof der Schiffe [Waking the Tyrant's Device] | 2006 [2003] |
070 | #4.04 | Ausgespielt [Double or Nothingness] | 2006 [2003] |
071 | #4.05 | Göttlicher Herzschlag [Harper/Delete] | 2006 [2003] |
072 | #4.06 | Route der Zeitalter [Soon the Nearing Vortex (1)] | 2006 [2003] |
073 | #4.07 | Bekas Rettung [The World Turns All Around Her (2)] | 2006 [2003] |
074 | #4.08 | Die Befreiung [Conduit to Destiny] | 2006 [2003] |
075 | #4.09 | Genie und Wahnsinn [Machinery of the Mind] | 2006 [2004] |
076 | #4.10 | Die Kronprinzessin [Exalted Reason, Resplendent Daughter] | 2006 [2004] |
077 | #4.11 | Der Prozess [The Torment, the Release] | 2006 [2004] |
078 | #4.12 | Die Spinnenfrau [The Spider's Stratagem] | 2006 [2004] |
079 | #4.13 | Das Unsichtbare Licht [The Warmth of an Invisible Light] | 2006 [2004] |
080 | #4.14 | Die Anderen [The Others] | 2006 [2004] |
081 | #4.15 | Die Letzte Fahrt ins Nichts [Fear Burns Down to Ashes] | 2006 [2004] |
082 | #4.16 | Die Spionin des Abyss [Lost in a Space that Isn't There] | 2006 [2004] |
083 | #4.17 | Die Brücke zwischen den Zeiten [Abridging the Devil's Divide] | 2006 [2004] |
084 | #4.18 | Der Gordische Irrgarten [Trusting the Gordian Maze] | 2006 [2004] |
085 | #4.19 | Die perfekte Maschine [A Symmetry of Imperfection] | 2006 [2004] |
086 | #4.20 | Die Stimme des Engels [Time Out of Mind] | 2006 [2004] |
087 | #4.21 | Leichtes Spiel [The Dissonant Interval (1)] | 2006 [2004] |
088 | #4.22 | Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt [The Dissonant Interval (2)] | 2006 [2004] |
Andromeda - Episoden der 5. Staffel22 Folgen zu je 45 min. [2004..2005]
089 | #5.01 | Der Eindringling (1) [The Weight (1)] | 2007 [2004] |
090 | #5.02 | Der Eindringling (2) [The Weight (2)] | 2007 [2004] |
091 | #5.03 | Kabinett des Schreckens [Phear Phactor Phenom] | 2007 [2004] |
092 | #5.04 | Die Freundin [Decay of the Angel] | 2007 [2004] |
093 | #5.05 | Das Geheimnis der zwei Sonnen [The Eschatology of Our Present] | 2007 [2004] |
094 | #5.06 | Die Zeitschleife [When Goes Around...] | 2007 [2004] |
095 | #5.07 | Rätselhafte Worte [Attempting Screed] | 2007 [2004] |
096 | #5.08 | Tödliche Kristalle [So Burn the Untamed Lands] | 2007 [2004] |
097 | #5.09 | Der Tunnelwächter [What Will Be Was Not] | 2007 [2004] |
098 | #5.10 | Die Prüfung [The Test] | 2007 [2005] |
099 | #5.11 | Das größte Opfer [Through a Glass Darkly] | 2007 [2005] |
100 | #5.12 | Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall [Pride Before the Fall] | 2007 [2005] |
101 | #5.13 | Der verschwundene Mond [Moonlight Becomes You] | 2007 [2005] |
102 | #5.14 | Der Zwilling [Past Is Prolix] | 2007 [2005] |
103 | #5.15 | Die vergessene Frau [The Opposites of Attraction] | 2007 [2005] |
104 | #5.16 | Das Fest der Verfinsterung [Saving Light from a Black Sun] | 2007 [2005] |
105 | #5.17 | Die verschlüsselte Botschaft [Totaled Recall] | 2007 [2005] |
106 | #5.18 | Rückkehr zum Ursprung [Quantum Tractate Delirium] | 2007 [2005] |
107 | #5.19 | Die Sekte des Generals [One More Day's Light (1)] | 2007 [2005] |
108 | #5.20 | Ein alter Bekannter [Chaos and the Stillness of It (2)] | 2007 [2005] |
109 | #5.21 | Das Herz der Reise (1) [The Heart of the Journey (1)] | 2007 [2005] |
110 | #5.22 | Das Herz der Reise (2) [The Heart of the Journey (2)] | 2007 [2005] |
Soundtrack-CD zur TV-Serie
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda(Music from Original Soundtrack)
- March of the High Guard {Season 1 Main Title}
- High Guard Theme {Season 2 Main Title}
- Andromeda Ascendant
- Dylan Hunt
- Cyber World
- Earthly Emotions
- Man and Machine
- Beka Valentine
- Rev Bem Wayist Theme
- Shipstream/Tyr Anasazi
- Nietzschean Attack
- Deepest Space
- Dangerous Maneuvers
- Magog
- Epitaph
- Strange Beauty
- Trance Gemini
- Exotic Worlds
- Sara
- Mad Pursuit
- Villains
- Battle Stations
- Rommie's Love
- Rhade's Lament
- Season 2 Main Title (Reprise)
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